It’s time to Get organized, for good.

Your home has been organized before, but it never lasts…


Whether you’ve decluttered on your own, renovated with an interior designer, or have your housecleaner on-call, you know how amazing it feels to have everything in order.

But for some reason, you can’t seem to keep it that way. The chaos quickly builds up again, making you feel heavy, tired, and stretched thin.

You’re ready to get organized + Stay that way.


“Kristi’s skills are top notch!”

My sessions with Kristi were extremely productive and rewarding. She guided me to efficiently bringing order to chaos, making it an easy process to let go of unneeded items and organize the necessities.

— K.S., Wisconsin


I’m Kristi, your Organizing coach, Tetris Ninja + lover of all things home.

Work, parenthood, everyday life — it can all get messy. With 20+ years of experience supporting C-Level Executives, 5 major cross-country moves, and hardest of all, raising 3 scholar-athletes, I can relate. And being organized is what made all of the above SO much easier.

I believe that anyone can become organized, and no, I don’t mean buying boxes and labels. I mean tackling home projects AND nurturing easy everyday habits to make organization last.

Together, let’s help you create a clean, beautiful home — and become the organized person you know you can be.


Meet The OFL Method

I believe An organized home starts with you.

Finally park your car in the garage... Make the basement habitable… Bring order and ease to your whole home… These are all tangible problems I can help you tackle, but they aren’t going to solve everything.

The OFL Method focuses on creating lifelong habits for lasting order and peace. I won’t just send you to The Container Store. Together, we’ll uncover ways to make organization fit so seamlessly into your routine you won’t even realize you’re doing it.


“I love coming home from work Now!”

i love coming home from work now and no longer dread the chaos waiting for me. thank you, Kristi!

— Alex M., Colorado

TOP 3 things holding you back from Organization that Lasts

If you’re tired of a home that makes you, well… tired… the 3 hidden barriers I’m sharing with you today could be the culprit. Print out this PDF. Take notes. Actually do the work. And watch as peace enters your home and life again!