3 Quick & Simple Routines for Maintaining Your Organized Home

As you walk through the front door, you're greeted by a light and airy room free of clutter, filling you with a sense of calm and excitement all at the same time. This feeling of rejuvenation will provide you with the energy and enthusiasm you need to maintain your home in the newly organized manner which you love.

To help you continue to master your organizing skills, we have provided 3 simple routines for maintaining that organization.                                       

Routine #1: Ten Minutes to Tidiness

After the process of a home (or room) organization is complete, implement a daily 10-minute routine to help maintain the order you most enjoy. Each physical item was given a landing space that most appealed to you during the organization.

Whether the ten minutes is at the beginning, middle, or end of your day, the process is the same. As you make your way through your home, pick up anything that was used throughout the day and return the items to their proper landing spaces.

Routine #2: Fifteen Minutes of Fast Decluttering

By now, you are a pro with process of utilizing the three "piles" of organization: Save, Toss, Donate. When a particular area of the home has been (understandably) neglected, utilize the 15-minutes of fast decluttering technique.

Swiftly move through the room and sort the items into save/toss/donate piles. Be ruthless and move quickly. During the final 5 minutes, ensure each pile is resolved accordingly.


Routine #3: Half Hour to Hosting Bliss

Preparing your home for company involves a blend of cleaning, organizing, and creating a welcoming atmosphere. Begin by walking the space as your guests would enter the home.

Clear any cobwebs, straighten the welcome mat and any entrance furniture/decorations, and wipe down the doorbell and door handle. Inside, tidy up any shoes/coats, reset the seating area cushions and pillows, and arrange seating areas to encourage conversation. Clear the kitchen countertops of any non-essential items, and wipe down all surfaces, including the sink and faucet.

 Sometimes life gets in the way, and the perfectly organized home just wasn't meant to be. No sweat! We are here to help you get back on track, and our process will empower you to meet your organization goals.

Feeling overwhelmed in your own home despite your attempts to tidy up? Give us a call. We would love to help you declutter and destress!




Becoming the Organized Person You Want to Be