Getting organized isn’t just about creating an ordered home…

It’s about who you become in the process.

Imagine having a clear, peaceful mind all the time. The ability to slow down and savor life instead of constantly untangling it. Spending time only where it matters most. This is what The OFL Method is all about.


Who is The OFL Method For?

The OFL Method can help anyone, but it is particularly powerful for those who already have or plan to tackle a large home project, such as a renovation or new build. Why?

Because investing in your interiors shows a commitment to your quality of life at home. You fully understand the impact that your environment has on your well-being, and you are more likely to succeed at achieving a lifestyle change.

The OFL Method isn’t about a quick fix. It’s about helping you create the life you desire.



“O” is for OBSERVE

Together, we help you observe the areas of your life that are holding you back from living free of mental and physical clutter. Is it feeling like you’re the only one who cares? Is it a lack of space? Is it an unusable garage?

“F” is for FOCUS

We will come up with several ways you can focus your efforts on small changes that will add up to big results in feeling more organized in your daily life. Weekly or bi-monthly meetings give you accountability and support.

“L” is for LIVE

With repetition, your new habits will become a lifestyle you won’t have to think about. By the end, you’ll have more than an organized home—you’ll BE an organized person in every area of your life. Bliss…


“I love coming home from work, and I no longer dread chaos waiting for me. thank you, Kristi!”

— Alex M., Colorado



You’re excited about a collaborative approach to getting your home + life organized.

You want to tackle your own home project AND develop lifelong skills for organization.

You’re willing to try new ideas.

You would love for the word “organized” to be used to describe you someday.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. I can’t wait to meet you and help you crush your goals!



You want someone hands-on to organize your home for you. The less you’re involved, the better.

You’re not willing to analyze or improve your routine.

You think containers + labels will solve everything.

You’re convinced no one will ever use the word “organized” to describe you.

If this sounds like you, that’s okay. A traditional home organizer may be best for you.


Get the Guide

Top 3 Hidden Barriers to Lasting Organization

If you’re tired of a home that makes you, well… tired, the 3 hidden barriers I’m sharing with you today may be the culprit. Print out this PDF. Take notes. Actually do the work. And watch as peace enters your home and life again…