Tackle your home organizing projects while creating habits that last a lifetime.

what does organization coaching include?

Weekly, 1-hour Zoom meetings with recording for lifetime access

Recap notes with personalized action plan + weekly assignments

1:1 Voxer + email access for quick questions during all business hours

Continuation plan to maintain momentum after the program


1:1 coaching packages to Get + STAY Organized.

4-Week Accelerated Coaching

Following The OFL Method, we’ll launch your personalized, 4-week crash course to help you tackle an area of your home.

8-Week Coaching program

The ideal option for long-lasting results, we’ll help you tackle organization projects, create new habits + get you back in control.

Monthly Coaching on Retainer

For those who have completed a 4-week or 8-week program + want ongoing support to continue their momentum.


“Kristi helped me get out of overwhelm and back to feeling in control of my home.”

— Rebecca J.



You’re excited about a collaborative approach to getting your home + life organized.

You want to tackle your own home project AND develop lifelong skills for organization.

You’re willing to try new ideas.

You would love for the word “organized” to be used to describe you someday.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. I can’t wait to meet you and help you crush your goals!



You want someone hands-on to organize your home for you. The less you’re involved, the better.

You’re not willing to analyze or improve your routine.

You believe that containers + labels will solve all your organization problems.

You’re convinced no one will ever use the word “organized” to describe you.

If this sounds like you, that’s okay—that’s okay! A traditional home organizer may be better for you.


Get the Guide

Top 3 Hidden Barriers to Lasting Organization

If you’re tired of a home that makes you, well… tired, the 3 hidden barriers I’m sharing with you today may be the culprit. Print out this PDF. Take notes. Actually do the work. And watch as peace enters your home and life again…