What Does Clutter Really Cost You?

What is the biggest obstacle to having a home that stays organized? No, it’s not the clutter itself. It’s how we mentally interpret the clutter.

It might feel harmless to say “It’s fine to not hang up my jacket today” or “I’ll clean the garage later.” But these small, passive choices add up to bigger projects over time—ones that you’re even more likely to avoid than the small tasks.

Why do we do this, when it only creates more work for ourselves later? Because we embrace momentary ease and forget to consider what’s really at stake.

Think about it this way:

Every time you say “YES” to disorder, you are subconsciously saying “NO” to something else. There’s always a tradeoff.

That could mean saying “no” to time with your partner, “no” to your own peace of mind, or “no” to your mental and physical health. And those are just a few examples.

When you think about it this way… now, clutter becomes a hurdle to living the life you really want. That’s the cost of clutter.

So… what can you do about it?

The First Step to Getting Serious about Organization

To start taking organization seriously, you have to know what you’re giving up by staying where you are.

A great exercise is to get very clear about what you are personally saying “no” to, and remember that it’s different for everyone. Some examples could include:

  • Saying “no” to being more in control of your time

  • Saying “no” to being more present and patient with your kids or spouse

  • Saying “no” to enjoying cooking meals after work

  • Saying “no” to parking your car in the garage where there’s no chance of snow

  • Etc.

Make a list of all you have to gain from getting more organized, and put this list in a visible place. This is your motivation!

Then, every day, actively choose to say “YES” to this happier, more relaxed, or more fulfilling version of your life.

Feel like going the extra mile? Create a list of “distractors” so that you’ll be on your guard the next time you see them. Knowledge is power.

As always, if you want accountability and a partner in becoming the most organized version of yourself, I’m here for you.



What’s Holding You Back From an Organized Home?


5 Tips for Organizing Your Home Like A Pro